Nurelfalah Apps

by Mumtaznet



About SIS Nur El Falah Islamic Boarding School IndonesiaNur El Falah Islamic Boarding School Student...

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About SIS Nur El Falah Islamic Boarding School IndonesiaNur El Falah Islamic Boarding School Student Information SystemSIS is an Online Platform Application for the Nur El Falah Islamic Boarding School Information System based on a WEB Dashboard which was developed and specifically designed by the Nur El Falah Islamic Boarding School students to build connectivity between the Islamic Boarding School administration, teachers, foster carers and parents/guardians of the students. Parents/guardians of students can see reports on their childrens progress and discipline at the boarding school and get updates on various related information from time to time. This Santri Information System application is managed by the Islamic Boarding School administration with the support of 16 menu features that can be accessed by parents/guardians of Santri, including:1. DashboardsWhen successfully logging in, parents/guardians of students can see the Student Information System Dashboard page which contains shortcuts to Popes Nur El Falahs Social Media, Boarding School Regulations, News, Event Calendar and Licensing Information.2. BiodataParents/guardians of students can view their childs complete profile/biodata.3. AsatidzBrief information about the Asatidz of the Nur El Falah Islamic Boarding School.4. ValueParents/guardians of students can see the results of the development of their childrens grades at the Nur El Falah Islamic Boarding School.5. presenceInformation regarding reports of childrens attendance at the Nur El Falah Islamic Boarding School.6. ExtracurricularThis feature functions to view extracurricular information about the childs participation.7. CertificateParents/guardians of students can access or see the number of certificates their children have achieved at the Nur El Falah Islamic Boarding School.8. Pain InformationReports by the santris guardians regarding information about sick children and parents/guardians of the santri can monitor the childs health condition online.9. ViolationReport from Asatidz regarding information on child abuse at the Nur El Falah Islamic Boarding School using the Point system method.10. Event CalendarParents/guardians of students can access information about events/activities at the Nur El Falah Islamic Boarding School.11. Books and BooksUsers can access Virtual-based Libraries.12. LicensingParents/guardians of students can access the child licensing feature online.13. ScheduleParents/guardians of students can access information regarding class schedules and the Quran at Nur El Falah Islamic Boarding School.14. Media GalleryUsers can access the Video-Based Media Gallery of the Nur El Flah Islamic Boarding School.15. NewsNur El Falah Islamic Boarding School News Article16. OrderParents/guardians of Islamic boarding school students can enjoy the Messenger feature in the Nur El Falah Islamic Boarding School Student Information System Application.WEBSITE : https://nurelfalah.or.idINSTAGRAM: Pesantren_nurelfalahFACEBOOK : : Nur El Falah Official Islamic Boarding School